
Thinking is an instrumental guide to helping us survive in the world and it is the reason our human species have evolved. However, are we becoming a society of non-thinkers?

Like all muscles in your body, if you don’t use the brain, you’ll eventually lose it. Our generations have changed to somehow rely on external information as well as the internet to do all the logical thinking for them. Hours of brain-numbing scrolling on our phones and trusting in professionally targeted content we see each day has left us a little, well, brainless I suppose.


Welcome, 2022 an age where we are glued to technology. We accept all we are told while forgetting to think for ourselves. (Apart from a few minorities) 

Every day we are bombarded with rules and regulations, and a certain etiquette that when we are asked for our opinion we somewhat feel under pressure to say the right thing. 


Have We Become a Suppressed Society?

I guess the question then needs to be asked. Are we all more comfortable with doing what we are told, following rules, or a crowd to fit in? Has the Western world become a suppressed society and what effect will it have on our future generations?

Children and future generations need to be taught to use their brains and think for themselves and parents can nourish this by making them feel heard and valued. Ask your child their opinion and train them to use that bright mind they have.


The Power of Questioning, Disagreeing & Having an Opinion

When did it become a bad thing to have an opinion different from the crowd? How come people who speak up are often judged or isolated and cast as unusual? Since when do we need to act a certain way to fit in, become friends, or be accepted by society. Isn’t freedom of speech meant to be part of who we are. There are many important topics affecting us all right now and it is the reason why we need to start thinking for ourselves rather than just accepting what we are being fed.


People who think for themselves have a natural curiosity. They are also better problem solvers and generally tend to be more open-minded. The world’s greatest thinkers some scientists, and philosophers, spent years focusing on solving problems. Yet, today we are time-poor that we look for others to choose solutions for us. Maybe it is just laziness or not wanting to feel accountable for our actions, but this attitude is just making our species voice-less.




We have already seen consumerism and large corporations take the biggest share of the profits and control. Led to believe we are protected by a system of authorities, medical industries, and laws, however in reality we are all just being programmed to think a certain robotic way? And unfortunately, people want to look a Kimmy (Kardash) kind of way too. Not the best role model in my opinion. Yes, I am allowed to have one. Wink, Wink.

How many of us stop to question what is going on and develop our thoughts around the subject? People follow the crowd looking for acceptance and the scary thing is so many of us are doing this on autopilot that we don’t even realise.

the power of thinking

Don’t Look Up

The clever movie ‘Don’t look up’ is a prime example that shows how so many people live in their bubble without care and trust in their industry leaders without questioning or thought. It isn’t unfortunately until the world is to be hit by a comet about to destroy the Earth that people go into a panic, but by then it is too late.


How to Have Your Opinion and Make Your Choice

Having an opinion shouldn’t make you feel condemned. We all have unique life experiences that help shape who we are and how we think. Most of our influence is stemmed from our parents and it isn’t until we are mature enough that we begin to question the beliefs and morals instilled in us.

Here are some simple steps to making choices for yourself.

  1. Ask yourself what question are you defining? Does it relate to you personally, have you had first-hand experience. Try to keep this general and not make it about your own emotional experience.
  2. Gather reliable sources of information. Authorised sites, professionals, evidence, stats, and so on.
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask the right questions, so you can collect your information and make your own decision.
  4. Think about the consequences both short and long term to help determine your opinion.
  5. Explore different sides of the story. Try and keep an open mind. People with this mindset tend to be more educated and easier conversationist. It is amazing what you can learn with a bit of curiosity.

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