Great books to read that will awaken the soul
Ever noticed how certain books fall into your hands through friend’s recommendations or they spontaneously seem to find you. I’d often spend time in a bookstore skimming through the pages until one called out to my soul. While we are in a period of isolation it’s a great time to expand your mind on various topics that interest you to awaken your soul.
If you are searching for meaning right now or looking at changing the course of direction in your life, it never hurts to take time to look within. I have read all these books below and I found them most helpful at different stages in my life.
These books all offer different teachings, life skills, and perspectives that are enlightening in their own way.
“Maybe this is why we read, and why moments in darkness we return to books, to find words for what we already know” -Alberto Manguel
There are many amazing books out there so I wouldn’t narrow it down to the top ten best books of all time, as everyone has a different interest. However, if you are exploring personal intuition and growth and are on a path to self-discovery, then here are some of the books I recommend.
Books on healing, guidance, and personal power
The power of Intention, Dr. Wayne Dyer– Best for motivation and setting your direction.
You can heal your life, Louise Hay – Best for healing inner child and old wounds.
The monk who sold his Ferrari, Robin Sharma-Spiritual awakening and changing your perception.
The power is within you, Louise Hay- Confidence and self-belief.
Dying to be me, Anita Moorjani– Great true story about life & death.
Light is the new black, Rebecca Campbell – Encouraging your inner spirituality.
Big Magic, Elizabeth Gibert– Believing in your creative talent.
Now is the perfect time to escape from the world news and media and be inspired by great books to awaken the soul. Take someone else’s wisdom and bring about change and growth in your life. Discover more about yourself and fill your mind with positive information and maybe inspire others.
Take a look at these great books and order your own copy on Kindle, Audiobooks, or purchase a hardcopy for yourself or someone special.
As quoted by Fran Lebowitz, “Think before you speak. Read before you think.”
Happy reading!