Benefits of creativity

As children, we are encouraged to be creative and express ourselves through art. However, as adults how much time do you set aside for yourself on a weekly basis to be creative? It is so important to create a life balance between work and creative expression. There are many benefits of creativity and they can be a great form of meditation and enjoyment.

If you are creative then you can appreciate other creative skills that you may not necessarily excel at. Whether your pleasure is painting, writing, or simply getting your hands dirty, then here are some things to awaken your creative soul.

The benefits of creativity for adults

Creativity can help you to relax and focus on something different, by doing this you allow your mind to look at situations from a new perspective. Some of the benefits of creativity for adults include helping us to resolve problems and uncertainty. Creativity provides us with freedom of expression. Without putting pressure on yourself it can be a relaxing process that you can incorporate into daily therapeutic practice. Writing, singing, drawing, reading can all help to stimulate our brains in new ways to overcome emotions like stress or anxiety.

Another benefit of being creative for adults is having an expanded sense of time.
Have you ever started a project and suddenly found yourself lost in time when hours have passed like minutes. This is when creativity becomes like a meditative state, where time and place have no concept. This exchange between energy and time is vital for our soul as humans. In my own words, it is a flow of the brain and heart coming together in the present moment, our spirits’ true form of expression. Sometimes when I am in the creative zone, whether it be through writing, photography, or trying to draw… lol, I find myself in my truest state. I have nothing but stillness in my mind and happiness in my heart. It is when I feel most like myself.

Children love being creative and connecting with your inner child to express yourself as an adult is such a beautiful thing. If you have children of your own there are many creative tasks you can do with them. Being creative can improve your overall health and bond with your child.

Steps to Leading a creative life

It is important to create a space at home where you can allow yourself to be creative. Purchase your supplies and make them as comfortable as you like. Maybe play relaxing music in the background to add to the experience.

Creativity is something that loves to be nurtured, plan a little bit of time each day to do something you love. Remember, it can be as little as twenty minutes a day. By making it at the same time every day or week, it will help you to create the habit, like you would an appointment.

Don’t forget to compare your work and track your progress, you will see the new skills you have learned as well feel the benefits on your wellbeing. This should motivate you to continue your practice.

I have put together some great creative ideas on Pinterest that you should check out if you are in need of inspiration. You will find many tutorials and ideas on ways to express yourself on YouTube.

The most important thing is we all have some kind of creative ability, even if you do not think you do.
And just like a plant if you water it a little, give it some light, it can be nurtured into something truly beautiful.

Planet Intuition has also just released a Wreck this journal online. It is an adult creative journal, designed to travel with you and keep you busily creating and relaxed for hours.

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